Este domingo Frank Sinatra me ajudou a desenhar.
Lembro que em determinado momento do desenho estava tocando "A man alone", mas outras tocaram e não lembro quais foram.
No papel branco apareceram curvas e mais curvas. Comecei então a colorir com giz pastel aquarelável de forma despropositada tentando achar equilíbrio de cores e tons, e lá para tantas, já noite, as cores e as curvas pediram para serem transformadas em frutas. Por que não?! Enfim, algumas frutas inspiradas pelo som do Sinatra e por uma lua cheia.
Os desenhos postados aqui foram feitos à mão livre, de memória.
Materiais usados:
- Lapiseira Caran d'ache com grafite 2B;
- giz de cera pastel aquarelável da Caran D'ache Neocolor 2;
- Papel CANSON 150g, tamanho A5.
This Sunday Frank Sinatra helped me draw.
I lay down on the hammock on the porch and let the pencil run according to the music swing. Pure sinest. A graphic exercise that is worthwhile at any time, try to graphically express what we are listening to.
I remember that at one point in the drawing I was playing "A man alone", but others played and I do not remember what they were.
On the white paper curves and more curves appeared. I then started coloring with watercolor pastel chalk in an unreasonable way trying to find balance of colors and tones, and there for so many, at night, the colors and the curves asked to be transformed into fruits. Why not?! Anyway, some fruit inspired by the sound of Sinatra and a full moon.
Freehand drawings, sketches by memory.
- Caran d'ache pencil with graphite 2B;
- Caran d'ache water-soluble wax pastels - Neocolor 2;
- Canson Paper, 150g, A5 size.
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